The Merdeka (Independance) Day celebration in Malaysia is typically commenced with the lengthy speech from the important figures in the government, collective singing of cheesy patriotic songs (complete with ethnic-infused performances) and the parade. It may all be redundant for this age but I still find it quite entertaining to watch the spectacle.
I remember attending the annual event at Merdeka Square when I was still a mere toddler. Boy, how I was fascinated by the kaleidoscopic colors of costumes, flags and the people who came as spectators (who are really from all walks of life)...
Now I do not join such festivity any more - I take this opportunity to run errands and simply be with people whom I care about (this time Eid Mubarak is still being celebrated, which means countless visits to dear families and friends, by the way).
Happy Merdeka day~ =)
Regards, (A Growing Teenager Diary) ..
Happy Merdeka day to all of us :)
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