May 25, 2015

Avillion revisited

I just came back from Seoul a few days ago and jumped right into working mode afterwards. It might seem that I spend much time traveling but rest assured, this is rather an much delayed entry. Nevertheless I appreciate the rare opportunity for a short getaway (the Seoul post I will obligingly post soon, hopefully).

I know there has been some religious contradiction on Mother's Day celebration by Muslims but I would say it's good to have an official reminder of what mums around the world have sacrificed for their children. Our version of celebration was at a place that have been sort of an unofficial getaway spot for my family

No, we're not that lavish to spend thousands on a luxury resort on West Coast ('cause we know how the beach stands pale in comparison to the sandy beaches and emerald green seawater of the East Coast or in the islands of Sabah). My sister's department actually sponsored out-of-office meetings at various hotels around Malaysia, so we happily tagged along with - complete with free buffets and all. (Did I mention we are a classic bunch of free-loaders and food hoarders??).

My niece Arissa is surprisingly very adept at using a DSLR. She's the one who took all my photos in this post! Such a quick learner, she follows exactly what I have directed her to do.

A much belated Mother's Day, mama!

Words by Hafidzudin Zainal

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