Nov 29, 2009

We live in a Mykro

Hello boys and girls! I've been quiet for a while (cue same ol' excuses...) but not without something interesting brewing in my rather ordinary life.
So last week I went to Singapore, and there I was thinking FINALLY it's time to visit the Lion City.

I like to think it as a short getaway from the hustle and bustle of hospital life - yes it was short- I only took 2 days off!' Apart from sightseeing and shopping of course it was the perfect opportunity to meet my blogger pal Dinie Rahman. And you might have noticed that he's also one of the contributors for Mykromag (the online magazine currently grabs fashion industry attention with its minimalistic content, features about and interviews with avant garde designers)


It's a shame that the meet-up was rather a brief one because we only could meet the last day I was in Singapore.(actually shame on me for responding to Dinie's facebook message last minute!) Ridhwan Sesapar also was supposed to come along but he had some military activities that day (hmmm...what do you guys do at military camps? sounds naughtily seductive!) ). Well it's okay that he couldn't come along because he drew me the perfectest caricature version of my bobble head. :)


It was a good time having a chat with Dinie - we talked about fashion, life in both of our countries, and about how underpaid I am working in Malaysia LOL! He also handed me a copy of Valentino- the Last Emperor (a documentary of which I think is really amazing with Mr Valentino leaving the designing scene after all these years of beautiful couture productions)


Alas, we were so time-constrained that the conversation had come to an abrupt ending. And my shyness upon meeting new people is definitely getting in the way of a better understanding of a person and more importantly to have fun! (I keep telling myself to stop holding back :(... Anyhow it was a memorable experience, and please come to KL you guys, I promise I'll take leaves specially for you!


Giancinephile said...

Looked like a lot of fun despite the fact that it was in a short span of time.

I suddenly had the impulse to visit Singapour next summer. haha

Anonymous said...

looking good! i'm glad that you're back on the wagon! thanks for the tip on myromag, it's amahzing!

OSN said...

lol you choose an uugly pic of me. :( i was blinking. hah

OSN said...

haha im not the contributor, im the editor! ahha

malchik said...

how come you still got holiday and went to singapore? wth!
"you should be in hospital and get the job done..." maybe one of your mo says so if he acknowledges you'd been in s'pore///

hope to see another post...

Emma Homestay Bandar Tasik Puteri said...

gian; singapore is indeed fun! go there next summer LOL

boulevardier4eva; it's been a while since I updated I know.. still struggling to allocate time for blogging..

Dinie; what were I thinking? apologies.. will edit that ASAP! of course you're the editor!!

malchik, it was a much-needed escape from the craziness i tells ya! go to hell with my superiors. AHAHA

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