Dec 11, 2010

Junk in my trunk - Leftblock Junk sale!


We had a tons of fun while selling away our pre-loved clothes and accessories at fairly cheap price. during last week's Leftblock Junk Sale. We arrived at Fat Spoon Cafe at around 1100H and quickly unpacked the stuff for sale. An Audrey Hepburn portrait (which Arman acquired at one of his travels to Paris) definitely transformed my otherwise lackluster stall to a much welcoming one...


I must tell you the crowd was pleasingly eclectic - there were the typical teenagers looking for cheap thrills with tag-along boyfriends (which proved somewhat beneficial to me as they were the ones who hoarded my stuff)....



And the shopper's demographic could not be more diverse when I saw customers of the more opposite end of age spectrum flocking the stalls, looking for the extra bargain just like their younger counterparts. The peculiarly funny thing was when this one middle-aged man who seemed so fussy about the stuff I was selling; he was inspecting up and down a shirt and questioning which appropriate gender should be wearing that item. I'm sorry but at the price of RM5-10 per shirt, even that was TOO much to handle. And the 10 million dollar question was his adamant inquiry to purchase my laptop despite me explaining  it is not for sale and it is the only computer that I have!

Several of the footwear that I had on sale - gladly high street stuff and British classics were sold off like hot cakes (the black Fred Perry sneakers, the tan Clarks mocassin and the deep brown Zara lace-ups finally founds their new owners). Alas the pigskin ASOS desert boots and Hugo Boss shoes were still up for grabs... (a lot of people find those 2 shoes beautiful but my tiny feet - UK size 7 was the major factor deterring potential buyers to try them on)

The venue in which the event took place was a spot on - despite its tiny area Fat Spoon Cafe embodies a rather vintage kampong ambiance ( which befits most of the vintage articles on sale that day), complete with polaroid photos of yester years reminding memorable journey the owner had gone through...

Me and Arman was busy life-tweeting the event
 It was a funny moment when he just acquired that vintage YSL scarf for nothing and tried to emulate Maggie Abang Saufi's signature wrapped head look LOL!

The cafe was jam-packed from noon till around 1700H when the yard sale was closing down. The money earned was worthwhile but it did not last long after I spent it soon after the event HAHA!

Forgive my moo face but this is how I look like after 6 straight hours of hawking my stuff. I was wearing Muji shirt (slight nipple exposure won't hurt no?), H&M khaki pants, Johnson suede desert boots and random accessories.

All in all, it was definitely a fun event  as a first-timer and not to mention it was a good place to socialize with like-minded people - I had a huge feeling of belonging sitting beside all these young people selling their respective wares. Maybe I should switch my career to a rather more leisurely one like this???

P/s: Kudos to Joyce and Chelle part of Leftblock trio for organising a great event.. looking forward to another one (another 5 months eh?)
PPS: heaps of thank yous won't be suffice to great friends Arman and Syazwan who helped me setting up the booth and hawking our wares...

1 comment:

itamrazali said...

wow..awak sungguh berfasyon

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