Oct 25, 2010

And Mr Sartorialist is the best because...

He made my heart skip a beat when I saw these pictures... Neutral and solid colors, proportions and simplicity - three fundamental elements that made me hooked to his fantastic imagery.


Exhibit A - The beard, the summer pinstripe suit and shorts those siccck thick lace-ups and a peek of crimson ankle socks. Handsome!


Exhibit B - The striped boat-necked long sleeves, the round glasses - very classic French (is it?). The double belts adds interest  to a rather simple style.


Exhibit C - The most delectable image here! Grey and blue NEVER fails methinks. The breezy neutral cardigan and the hat is perfect for Summer. And the stripe at the side of the beautifully tailored pants just reminds me of military wear, plus her posture at a glance resembles one from the marching band ready to blow the horn :)

Ah, me and my ridiculous imagination....

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